As the main objective of this institution is the all-round development of the human personality besides excellence in learning, students must go through the following disciplinary rules:
- The students are required to come to the classes/meeting /Campus Neatly dressed in Accordance with Approved etiquette. The management reserves the right to stipulate appropriate dress code.
- Students must possess an identity card which should be produced whenever demanded by any member of the staff and management.
- Students should be punctual and regular to the classes. They should be seated in the classroom before the teacher enters. Repeated truancy and skipping classes may result in suspension.
- Students are allowed to take leave only after getting Prior permission from the Principal or the authority. Unpredictable absence must be Justified on return before attending the class.
- Students should move from one classroom to another in a disciplined way.
- Those who indulge in ragging or encourage it, within the college or the hostel premises will be expelled from the college with immediate effect.
- Smoking, drinking alcohol, chewing tobacco, chewing gum, or inhaling intoxicating substances is strictly prohibited inside the college and hostel premises.
- Anyone found with or, using, selling, buying or under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or illegal drugs may be expelled with or without any warning served.
- Illegal activitiesare strictly prohibited in the college campus.
- Take care of the college properties. Damaging or Destroying college property, private/public property on college campus would entail disciplinary action and would have to bear the cost of the repair or replacement.
- Damaging or destroying property belonging to college staff whether on or off campus would invite disciplinary action.
- Do not scribble on the walls of the college building, desks, and tables. Do not spit inside the building.
- Any college property borrowed must be signed out and returned after the use. In case of loss or damage, the class/house/group/individual will have to pay the cost of repair or replacement.
- Violence & carrying of any weapons inside the college is a serious offense.
- Inflicting or trying to inflict injury or emotional stress to any student, teacher, and other college staff is an offence.
- Respect and follow the instructions of the class representatives.
- Fighting, threatening and use of arms/weapons are forbidden or initiating a fight or aggravating a fight will be liable for punishment. In case of disagreement or misunderstanding, bring the matter to the notice of the class representatives, class Teacher or other teachers.
- Forming anti-social groups or being part of such group is a very serious offense.
- Be decent and polite when communicating to teachers, fellow students, and others. Treat the way you would like to be treated.
- Follow the instructions of the teachers and other college staff while on campus and during college events, including those held off campus. Breach of this rule is insubordination.
- Shouting, howling, whistling within the college and hostel premises is strictly banned.
- Students are not allowed to play for any team against the college.
Suspension or Expulsion:
If you are suspended/expelled from the college, you are not allowed to enter the college campus at all. The college will inform you and your parents in writing about your suspension/expulsion.
Note to Parents:
Parents are expected to attend the parent teacher meeting without fail as when called.